One of the most frequently asked questions on OCPJP 7 - IZ0-804 exam preparation is this: Where can I get mock exams, preferably with exam simulator?
Of course, there are 300+ questions in our OCPJP 7 book (including 2 full-length mock tests). Hence, the book is the source that we would like to recommend.
We found that there are many resources where you can get (mostly commercial) mock tests and use simulators to try them out. Please note that there are numerous free mock exams available in the internet, but when we checked, all of them were SCJP 5/6 mock exams; they are yet to support OCPJP 7 exams. For a detailed list of SCJP mock exams, check this link in coderanch (where else :-))
For OCPJP 7, we found that there is no single place where a list is maintained. Hence, we have started collecting a list; here is an initial list to start with:
(To our surprise, we did not find any completely free OCPJP 7 mock exams. If you find any, please let us know, and we'll update this list)
Are we missing out any? If so, please post it as a comment here or contact us.
Disclaimer: We are sharing these links in our blog because many of our readers are interested in knowing about the available mock tests. We have NO personal experience or contacts whatsoever with any of these mock exam providers; so we have no recommendations.
Of course, there are 300+ questions in our OCPJP 7 book (including 2 full-length mock tests). Hence, the book is the source that we would like to recommend.
We found that there are many resources where you can get (mostly commercial) mock tests and use simulators to try them out. Please note that there are numerous free mock exams available in the internet, but when we checked, all of them were SCJP 5/6 mock exams; they are yet to support OCPJP 7 exams. For a detailed list of SCJP mock exams, check this link in coderanch (where else :-))
For OCPJP 7, we found that there is no single place where a list is maintained. Hence, we have started collecting a list; here is an initial list to start with:
(To our surprise, we did not find any completely free OCPJP 7 mock exams. If you find any, please let us know, and we'll update this list)
- Oracle has 10 sample questions (free access)
- TechFAQ360 has a free mock test (registration required).
- Enthuware has free trial questions (registration required).
- Kaplan SelfTest (Oracle authorized): 170 questions, price starts from $69
- Transcender (Oracle authorized): 190 questions, price starts from $109
- WhizLabs: OCPJP 7 exam simulator (700 questions - 5 full-length mock exams) -- Rs. 1500 (10% discount usually available)
- EPractizeLabs: OCPJP 7 online training -- $399 (50% discount) => $199 (announcement - training not released yet). OCPJP 7 study guide + mock exam questions -- $30 (720 questions)
- Enthuware: $9.95 for question bank with around 500 questions.
- TechFAQ360, JavaCert, CertChamp: (4 mock tests + lots of sample questions) (strangely, the descriptions of the exam appeared to be the same so clubbed these three together!)
Are we missing out any? If so, please post it as a comment here or contact us.
Disclaimer: We are sharing these links in our blog because many of our readers are interested in knowing about the available mock tests. We have NO personal experience or contacts whatsoever with any of these mock exam providers; so we have no recommendations.